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What is the minimum GPA policy?

Minimum GPA Policy

Students must maintain a minimum Grade Point Average of at least a 2.0 (2.0 GPA). Those who have an average which falls below this minimum will be automatically placed on academic probation until the GPA is raised above the probationary level. This means if a student completes a course with a grade below 75 % they will not be given credit for that class and they will automatically be placed on academic probation.

For the student to remove the probationary status, he must retake the course and complete it with a passing grade, which means 75% or higher. This means, the student can either request a directed study, retake the course in CBTS Pathway, or wait until the course is offered again. The maximum time limit which a student may remain on probation is 3 years.

Once the course is completed, credit will be given to the student and they will be in good standing with CBTS. If the student drops below the minimum GPA for 2 consecutive terms or does not complete the course within 3 years, they will be suspended for 1 academic year. The student will be informed of probation and/or suspension in writing.

While a student is on probationary status they are not considered to be in good academic standing with CBTS.

A   4.0

B+ 3.3

C+ 2.3

A-  3.7

B   3.0

C   2.0


B-  2.7

C-  1.7