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How do I register for courses?

Registering for a class is easy, but the method you use depends on whether or not you are a Church Partnership student or if you have been granted financial assistance.

Pathway Course Registration

Typical Registration

Normal registration for a class is very straightforward.  Simply click on the Catalog button toward the top right of the dashboard screen. 

From the Catalog page, simply find the class you want to take and register for it.  Tuition is paid at the time of registration.

Church Partnership Students

If you are a student in the Church Partnership program, simply submit the CBTS Class Registration Request.

Payment Plans

If you cannot afford to pay tuition upfront, we can set up a payment plan for 3-5 monthly payments.  Use this form to request a payment plan.

Once the payment plan is agreed upon, submit the CBTS Class Registration Request to enroll in classes.

Financial Assistance Students

If you have been granted financial assistance, once you have paid your semester fee, use the CBTS Class Registration Request to enroll in classes.


Live Class & Module Registration

Students do not register for live classes or modular classes through CBTS Pathway. Registration for live classes and modules usually opens up 2 months prior to class start date. Registration for Modular courses is identical to live class registration.

A registration page will be made available on  

Typical Registration

When live class registration is open, normal registration for a class is very straightforward.  Simply go to and fill out the registration form for the class you want to take. Tuition is paid at the time of registration.

Church Partnership Students

Simply fill out the registration form for the class you want to take, using the "Register for Credit" button under "Church Partnership Students."  

Payment Plans

If you cannot afford to pay tuition up front, we can set up a payment plan for 3-5 monthly payments.  Fill out the Payment Plan Request Form and tell us what classes you want to take and how many payments would suit you.  Once the payment plan is agreed upon, you can use the Church Partnership Students area of the registration form to register for your class.  Just write "Payment Plan" in the "Home Church" field.